Meaning of ‘outstanding’, ‘withheld’ on WAEC results


By now, you must have checked your results in the just concluded West African Senior School Centre Examination (WASSCE). If you haven’t done so, click here to read this post that tells you how to check your WAEC result online.

While some had already seen their results after following the stated procedures, others have been receiving some sort of messages making them have some discomfort.

As common question is: What does it mean when I see ‘outstanding’ or ‘withheld’ on my WAEC result? Read further for the answer.

Meaning of ‘outstanding’ on WAEC results

Results are described as outstanding when there is an error on the part of the candidate in the process of registration or during the examination.

If such is your case, the errors may still be corrected and after which you would see your results. There is a likelihood of the results eventually being released.

Meaning of ‘withheld’ on WAEC results

A withheld result is being subjected to further scrutiny by the examination body.

It may or may not be released based on the final decision of the Council of WAEC.

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Usually, candidates whose results were withheld have violated some rules and regulations related to the conduct of the exams. As a result, their results are withheld it is determined that they are either released or cancelled.

Such rules are contained in the guidelines against examination malpractices, which you must have read before the exam.

A result may have been withheld based on either the candidate’s fault or that of the entire examination centre. Whichever it is, only the Council, which meets towards the end of each year could determine whether or not the results are worth releasing.

Other error messages had been inundated with calls about some sort of error messages candidates see when they attempt checking their results.

In these cases, the candidate may see something like ‘error, try again later’, ‘the system is unable to process the results’, and ‘invalid details’. We advice that such candidates try again later with correct details.

Beyond these, if you have any further questions, kindly use the comment box below. We are willing to address that. wishes you success as you check your results.

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  1. Please as I tried checking my results and what I’m seeing is ‘no result for this candidate in this school year’, and I made sure all my details were correct including the year I wrote the exam but it keeps on saying the same thing. What does this mean?

  2. I just tried to check my result, and what i saw was” result not available please try again later”what does that mean please?

  3. I checked my results the first one had a diff grade , I decided to check again because I felt it was too low. When I checked I had a different so please which one is my real results

  4. Please durring my registration. There was a mistake, instead of biology, the guy put youruba. On the day of the biology I sit for the exam, I was registered for the practical, and theory and objectives. But I didn’t sit for youruba. Please what’s your opinion about it will it reflect when my results is out I’m really scared I do need the biology

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