How to apply for WAEC script remarking


Due to a number of calls from parents, guardians and candidates dissatisfied with some scores in the recently released results by the West African Examinations Council (WAEC), this post is much relevant.

Is it possible to apply for the remarking of WAEC exam scripts of candidates? Yes, it is.

How does one do that? What would it cost to get a WAEC candidate’s script remarked? How possible is to get the results reviewed?

These would be answered in this post where gives insights into the procedure to request a remark of the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) results for both school candidates and private candidates.

Why you should request a remark

Anyone not satisfied with the results released after checking it could seek a remark. Your dissatisfaction is sufficient a reason to ask that WAEC conduct a remark of the scripts of one or more subjects.

You have nothing to lose but answers to get. The review of the marking would clearly show what could have gone wrong that led to such unexpected scores.

It would also help schools and teachers on their jobs in identifying students’ weakness and ways of improving such. It would also provide insights to question answering techniques that could have aided the candidate(s) in scoring higher.

Ultimately, it could expose wrong marking on the part of examiners. There have been cases where examiners ‘undermark’ candidates with wide mark differences between what they should have scored and the examiner recorded as a score for them.

I have seen cases where students had lost over twenty marks as a result of negative marking by some examiners in the past.

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To request a remark, follow appropriate procedures in prompt time and get the answers you desire.

The basics

A number of procedures are to be followed if one were to be sure to achieve the goal of remarking the scripts.

First, not everyone could request a remark. Also, there is a timeline 60 days after result release for anyone to request a remark of WAEC examination scripts. Then, certain amounts of money is to be paid per subject for which one wishes to have remarked. These are expatiated below.

Who can request a remark?

Only those who wrote the WASSCE for School Candidates could call for a remark of their scripts. Wheras, Private Candidates cannot make such requests.

By School Candidates, we mean candidates who wrote their exams while registered in a school. Usually, WASSCE for School Candidates is tagged the May/June WAEC since it holds around that time.

From 2018, it has also got the tag WASSCE Second Series following the introduction of another series of WASSCE in January/February.

But if it were WASSCE for Private Candidates, which holds either in January/February or November/December, the candidate may be unable to make such request for the review of his/her results.

If the WASSCE were for School Candidates, only the school head – principal, proprietor or the equivalent – could request a remark of scripts. He/She is expected to state why a review of the scripts should be done based on the candidate’s ability.

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The individual making the request  should address the request to the Senior Deputy Registrar/Head of Test Administration Division at the WAEC.

You don’t have to go to the Lagos Headquarters to do so. Check the list of WAEC Offices across Nigeria if you don’t already know where they are.

What is the deadline to request a remark?

The deadline to make a request for a remark is within 60 days after the release of the results. After this timeline, no request would be entertained anymore. The earlier you make the request, the better.

How much does it cost to request a remark?

Schools heads would be required to pay the sum of Ten Thousand Naira (N10, 000) for their complaints lodged to be considered.

That is the fee payable as at the time of publishing this article. cannot guarantee that that wouldn’t change at any time in the future.

The fee paid is basically nonrefundable for each script involved but may be refunded if WAEC was able to establish that it was actually a fault from its end that led to the candidates scoring lesser than expected.

This would also be accompanied by an apology to the candidate(s) and a possible sanction of the examiner(s) who led to such discrepancies.

Who should the request for remarking be addressed to?

Any request for WAEC script remarking should be appropriately addressed to be considered.

The aforementioned persons who are eligible to send such requests should direct that to the WAEC Senior Deputy Registrar/Head of Test Administration Division for consideration.

ALSO READ:  WASSCE for School Candidates begins

Will WAEC consider every request for script remarking?

We cannot be certain about that. What is clear is that not all such requests would be considered. The examination body reserves the right to approve or reject the Examination Script Remarking Complaint being tendered.

How to apply for WAEC script remarking

  • School head (in the case of school candidates exam) lodges a complaint to WAEC. Candidate (in the case of private candidates exam) lodges a complaint to WAEC.
  • Address requests to the WAEC Senior Deputy Registrar/Head of Test Administration Division
  • Complainant pays the sum of N10, 000 to designated account.
  • WAEC accepts or rejects request to have scripts remarked.
  • If request is accepted, remarking is done by WAEC.
  • If request is rejected, WAEC responds on why it is not doing it.
  • If proven that the discrepancies in script marking is from WAEC, the examination body makes amends, apologises and refunds sum paid.
  • If proven that discrepancies were candidates’ fault, WAEC explains why candidate had the score.

Note that complaints are not entertained after three months of WAEC results release.

I hope that this article answers some of the questions I have had to answer on our other platforms in relation to remarking of WAEC scripts. If there is anything left unanswered, use the comment box below to ask further questions and get clarity.

Do have wonderful moments ahead!


  1. I applied to waec for the remark of my further Mathematics since 2moths ago, I want to know when or how long it will take why to respond or act on my remark application

  2. Pls I got a wrong result pertaining my govt …. I am sure of what I wrote down … i can prove it …. i was given i wrong and random result….. but I dont have up to 10,000 now

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