How teachers can help students assimilate better


Learning has not taken place if what is taught is not internalised and understood by the students. Teachers have a major role to play in making students assimilate better. sought the perspective of an education consultant, Abiola Adebola who shared these tips on how teachers can help students in assimilating better.

Mrs Adebola is the founder and lead consultant with Educ8tors Dose, an education platform where teachers are provided information for continuous professional development.

How teachers can help students assimilate better

Set high expectations in students

She identified teachers as the ones mainly responsible for how students fair in their studies. She therefore urged them to set high expectations in their students.

“Teachers can help learners to improve through various ways. They should set high expectations. When they set high expectations, it will enable them as teachers to achieve high academic standards for their learners,” she said.

She cautioned against setting unrealistic targets for the students.

Adopt different learning styles

A teacher should know that students learn differently. While noting that some learners may be gifted, Mrs Adebola identified the need for respecting different learners’ capabilities at their various levels.

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In her words, “They should adopt different learning styles. We have so many learning styles. Some of them are visual, audio-musical, verbal, anaesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and logical. All these learning styles, when blended together, will give the learner greater opportunities to learn.”

Research before teaching

Also, teachers can help learners to learn better when they improve in their teaching. They should make careful research and findings. They should collaborate and learn from one another. Through that, they’d help the learners to learn better.

Compassion to, and patience with the learners

“Educators also need to be friendly and come down to the level of the learners. If they want the students to learn better, they have to behave like the children. They need to increase their patience level.”

Like a Turkish proverb states that “If speaking is silver, then listening is golden”. For learners to learn better, educators should give them maximum attention. They should be good listeners. For that reason, they have to give them maximum attention. They should be good listeners.

For that reason, they have to increase their patience level. They should treat every learner specially, because every learner is unique. When they study them, they will see so much about them that make them unique because, they are all from different homes, upbringing and background. Even children that are identical twins don’t reason the way. That is why every learner should be treated specially.

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Creating a welcoming environment

They should try as much as possible to create a welcoming environment for learners. That is, the environment should be safe and comfortable for the learners, without tension or stress for the students to learn effectively. Through these, I believe that learners will learn at a greater rate.

What other ways can teachers assist students to assimilate better? Let’s have your thoughts on this in the comment box below

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