7 tips to avoid scoring low grades in your academic life


Sequel to a previous article on reasons why students have carryover in academic courses, AHMED IYANDA writes on tips for students to avoid scoring low grades  in their academic lives.

People tend to associate low grades with failure. The perception of a grade as low even is relative to the individual’s goal. Some see B as too low for them but for others, a D is fine. It depends on one’s grade target at the end of the academic sojourn.

Students with consistent incidences of low grades are obviously on the path of failure. This may lead to them having carryover is courses. It also indicates some sorts of low level of seriousness to their studies. In this post, here are seven tips towards avoiding low grade in your academic life


7 tips to avoid avoid scoring low grades in your academic life


The first thing that should come to students mind in avoiding low grades in the university is to be dedicated. Dedication is to be committed to a particular cause. Some students fail because they are not committed to what they have gone to school to study.  Students should be pragmatic in their academic pursuit.


Determination is very important in the lives of students. Students need to determine the grade they want to have at the end of the semester.

They should dissipate efforts towards attaining the highest grades possible from the Continuous Assessment to the examination. This reduces the chances of coming off with low grades.

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Determination will spur students to dedication and discipline. With this, students will never have low grades not to talk of having failing courses.


We can’t rule out the fear factor in any academic test. It takes courage to take each identified challenge with assimilating topics heads on. You don’t need to read the whole textbook before you can pass exams. As student, what you need is to be courageous.

Don’t be scared, no matter how difficult the exam may seem to be. Repose confidence in whatever you do and always encourage yourself even if you have failed some test.

I have noticed that even if you don’t know a particular question in the examination hall, confidence could stimulate one’s brain into fast and quick thinking, which can help you find solution to your answers.

Prepare well for Exam

Don’t ever expect miracle to happen when you haven’t prepared for exams. It’s impossible. As a student, you should always find time to read and abstain from things that can distract you.

Consult those who understand the concepts in the courses better. Join study groups where available or spearhead the creation of some.

Success is mainly for those who have prepared for exams but not for those wait on luck. If you want to avoid scoring low grades, you must ensure that you prepare excellently well for examination.

Attend lectures

To avoid low grades, you must ensure that you attend classes. Schools do have stipulated rules that students who have appeared in a lecture for a minimum number of class will only be allowed to sit for exam. In most cases, attendance should not be less than 70% of the time the class held. Imagine a student that is denied the opportunity of writing exam. Such a student is automatically risking having a carryover.

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The advantages of attending lectures far outnumber its disadvantages. You should be sure to be present to hear from your lecturers irrespective of your other schedules. You may want to assume reading trumps it all. But your lecturer or colleagues in the class may mention one thing or another that may help shape the understanding of the subject concepts.

Associate yourself with brilliant students

Some students experience academic failure as a result of their pride. They don’t see the need in associating themselves with brilliant students. That is nothing but bad.

You must first identify that the type of students you associate with could shape your life positively. An adage says birds of a feather flock together. When you work with serious student, your mind would be sharpened to a point where scoring low grades will not be your choice.

Don’t be too hasty to submit

Don’t be too eager to submit in an examination hall. Plan your time in such a way that there is still time to crosscheck what you have done before the stipulated time lapses.

Even when you face difficult questions take time to think before submitting. Some students are always eager to submit first in examination hall so that they can be praised. A dedicated student will not look after what others are doing.

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Be prayerful

After much preparation, commit your exam into the hands of God. Don’t ever leave God in whatever you do. It takes the will of God in attaining best grades in examinations.

No matter what you have written in the examination hall, you still need to be prayerful. Sometimes, lecturers’ mood will determine what he/she marks for a particular student. If you are the type that prays, the lecturer can serve into your hands.


That people have grades lower than they expected should not debar them from the quest for excellence. A low grade is not the end of the world.

There may be more tips on avoiding scoring lows grades on campus you think had not been covered. Please, use the comment box below to make contributions to this discourse.

Mr Ahmed Iyanda is currently a final year student of Fountain University, Osogbo. He is studying Mass Communication, specializes in journalism. Ahmed is a freelance writer, a poet and a political and educational writer. Send your articles related to education to info@educeleb.com, if you would love it featured on this site.

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