Alleged cultism: Former Ilaro poly student-leader regains studentship


Five months after the Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro withdrew the studentship of Olatunji Adegboye, he has regained his studentship status.

Mr Adegboye was in February arrested for allegedly participating in cultist activities around the polytechnic and paraded by the Nigeria Police thereafter.

Prior to the incident he was the President of the polytechnic’s Students’ Union.

He had ever since maintained his innocence alleging that there was an attempt to unjustly implicate him in the crime because of his advocacy to end highhandedness against students.

The journey to the restoration of his studentship fell through on Friday following a meeting coordinated by the Ogun State government with representatives from the Department of State Service, student leaders and the polytechnic’s management.

Students under the aiegies of the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) had particularly supported Adegboye over the months.

They had continuously demanded his unconditional reinstatement as a student among other things.

The students also called for his reinstatement as SU President and withdrawal of the “trumped-up charges” against him and another supposed accomplice.

On Tuesday, 30th June, 2020, the Action Committee represented by the NANS OGUN Chairman, the National Association of Ogun State Students (NAOSS), the Tai Solarin University of Education Students Union President attended a meeting chaired by the Secretary to the State Government,

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In attendance were representatives of the Department of State Service (DSS), the Special Adviser to the Governor on Security, Students Matters, and the Rector of the polytechnic.

The meeting agreed that it has the power to call for his reinstatement as a student but shall leave the court to take its decision on the case before the magistrate.

A copy of the reinstatement letter addressed to Adegboye seen by on Saturday indicated that his studentship is restored pending the Ifo magistrate court ruling on his cultism case.

The magistrate sits next Friday, 10th July on the matter.

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