Nigeria to host Africa at 2019 AEAA conference


Nigeria would be hosting the rest of Africa at the the 37th annual conference of the Association for Educational Assessment in Africa (AEAA).

With the theme, “Innovations in Educational Assessment”, the conference holds in Abuja between 4th and 8th August, 2019.

The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) in Nigeria, which is hosting it said the event seeks to put to the fore, new developments in the area of educational assessment and standards, as well as assessment of candidates.

“We are happy to state here that preparations for the upcoming conference in Abuja are in top gear and have reached an advanced stage,” the council’s Head of National Office (HNO), Mr Olu Adenipekun said.

The last edition of the event held in Lesotho in 2018 where Mr Adenipekun was elected Vice-President of the continental body.

“The association is a continental body for assessors, examination bodies, institutes and Faculties of Education and universities are also represented in it.

“We meet once in a year where we bring to the fore, situations in areas of educational assessment across the world. Like you may know, the last conference was hosted by Lesotho, where Nigeria was given the hosting right and elected as the Vice President of the conference,” the WAEC boss said.

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Mr Adenipekun added that members of the association want to also bring to the fore, new developments in the area of educational assessment, not just in Africa, but the world at large.

He noted that participants would want to see the things required to ensure that assessment and standards in education and other key areas are up-to-date, remain valid and ensure that its integrity was intact.

According to him, participants would also want to see how they are responding to new challenges, financing, as well as the development of human capital.

Like in previous editions, papers would be presented by participants and such content culminate in the Journal of Educational Assessment in Africa is published yearly by the organisation.

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