How to process collection of original WAEC Certificate


The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) is known for conducting Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) at various times of the year. It issues certificates that are recognised both locally and internationally for academic and career advancements from those who schooled in Nigeria and other West African nations. In this post, you would learn how to process the collection of your own certificate.

WAEC now imposes penalties on candidates who fail to process the collection of their certificates within a year after it had been released. There are still results of candidates who wrote the examination as far back as 1960 in their office, according to examination body. People only turn up to collect theirs when they are in dire need of it.

I recall last week Thursday running into a lady who wrote the November/December 1995 WASSCE diet but was facing some challenge obtaining her certificate. She was disturbed that it was only that that was going to delay the processing of her visa into Spain where a university had admitted her for a Master’s Degree programme.

According to her, she never saw the need to collect the certificate all along. Her undergraduate university never requested that of her. She never needed to present it anywhere until the Spanish embassy in Nigeria required her to present it.

ALSO READ:  How to check your WAEC result

Her plan to just ‘quickly’ collect that certificate that day at the WAEC National Office in Lagos failed since she wasn’t prepared for what she witnessed then. She was asked to pay some money in order to get the certificate.

When WAEC announced that it would start charging candidates who default in collecting their certificates on time back in 2013, it stated thus:

“Most of these certificates have been lying fallow in our various offices with no one coming forward to collect them, and we have been keeping them safely for years now.

We have also noticed that candidates come in trickles for them, only when they have absolute need for them.”

WAEC spokesman, Demianus Ojijeogu also wondered why anyone who wrote the exam would take long to collect their certificates.

In his words, “I don’t know the reason why people will sit for exams and their certificates are ready yet they will not come for collection. What was the essence of the certificate in the first place?’’

Perhaps, you have been thinking you don’t need the WAEC certificate at the moment. You never can tell when you would have to use it urgently, as it was the case of the lady I talked about above. The certificates are usually ready for collection in less than a year after one had written each exam.

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How to process collection of original WAEC Certificate

Depending on which exam organised by WAEC you wrote, you can always process the collection of your original WAEC Certificate.

WASSCE is written in May/June for school candidates, and November/December for private candidates. WAEC recently introduced an additional January/February diet also for private candidates and it commences from 2018.

Certificate collection for May/June candidates

Before a year elapses after you wrote the WASSCE, you can always get your certificate from the school you registered to write the examination.

WAEC would have printed and dispatched the certificates to schools for collection by candidates. Go to the school to get yours now.

Certificate collection for private candidates

Private candidates can get their certificates from WAEC directly. If you are one, yours could be collected at any of the WAEC offices nationwide. Visit the one near you to find out how to go about it.

You would be required to present an application letter, a sworn affidavit from the High Court, the online result print-out, one passport-size photograph, photo card and identity card.

Penalties for late collection of WAEC certificates

You’ve read of my encounter with a lady who needed her certificate urgently earlier. She had to pay some money as penalty for keeping the certificate so long with WAEC.

ALSO READ:  WAEC Registrar gives scorecard as tenure ends

The examining body charges each candidate what it calls ‘custody fee’ and its rate varies depending on how long your certificate was kept in WAEC’s care. The said fee payable depending on how long your certificates were issued.

Each time you delay the processing and collection of your certificate, the amount of money you’d pay increases. So, the earlier you go and get your WAEC certificate, the better.
The various monetary penalties are listed below.

Years Amounts Payable 
0-4 N3, 500
5-9 N8, 500
10 to 14 N13, 500
15 to 19 N18, 500
20 yrs and above N23, 500

Protecting the certificate

After retrieving your certificate, ensure you keep it safely. Insects and rodents are known for destroying such. Keep it away from where they are likely to mutilate it. Don’t laminate your certificate! I wish you all the best in whatever possible ways the certificate is to be used.


  1. Hi,

    Thanks for this info.

    I wrote my exam in Karu in 2011, now I don’t know where to go for my certificate or if I can order it from any WAEC office anywhere. I’ve heard I should go to Lafia, others say Jos. It’s very confusing.

  2. I wrote the 2014 wassce nov/dec. private examimnation . I have since collected the statement printout . How do I go about the collection of the original certificate ? I understand it is out and available for collection. And what are the requirements if any for the collection. I will appreciate your timely response. Thanks and regards.

  3. Please I wrote my waec in Enugu 2014, I have obtained the printout but where and how do I obtain the original one? Is there a waec branch I could go to here in Enugu or can I order it through mail?

    • Yes, there is a WAEC office in Enugu. But note that only candidates who wrote the SSCE for private candidates can go to the WAEC office to get the certificate. But for school candidates, the certificate is at the school you registered. Click here to see the list of WAEC offices near you.

    • That depends on which exam you wrote then. If it were the school candidate exam, go to your school. If it were the private candidates exam, go to the WAEC Office. Refer to the post above again for clarification on these terms.

  4. Please which certificate WAEC Ogolonto is issuing because somebody said he got his own there. Meanwhile my friend wrote (WAEC Private 2015 at Lagos Island ). Please assist me on where to get her certificate.

  5. pls how do I go about getting a sworn affidavit here in Lagos at d high court and the letter of application for the collection of d original GCE certificate

  6. I wrote Dov/Dec diet in the year 1999 at Jos.
    Please what are the steps to take in applying on-line for collection?
    If there is a special website please, kindly forward to me please.
    I have accepted to pay =N= 18,500 penalty.Thanks and God bless.

  7. Hi, I did my waec 2008 Buh all the result was witheld, n right now I have lost every details ➕ the exam number, how do I get to know if this result is released and where do I go to get it? Kindly assist with your response

  8. Let just say I have lost my waec private registration slip though I have my result print out with me anyway but could this be of issue when I get to their office pls, please notify me sir

  9. Let just say I have lost my waec private registration slip though I have my result print out with me anyway, but could this be an hindrance or not. Please help

  10. Can I get my NECO certificate for 2011 here in Lagos and where? I wrote the exam in Auchi, Edo State. I travelled to the school 2015 but was told it was not ready. Please how do I go about it? I would really appreciate your quick response ASAP. Thank you.

  11. Hello, I wrote NECO in 2011 in Auchi, Edo State. I have tried on two occasions travelling to the school to get my certificate, the last time was 2015 but to no avail. Please I want to know can I get it in Lagos here and when? I would really appreciate your quick response. Thank you.

  12. hello, i wrote my west african examination in 2009 and i have been trying to go and collect my original result but to no avail i am a school candidates pls can i be able to get it here in lagos without going to the school were i sat for the exams

  13. My son wrote the May/June 2018 WAEC and has apply for a school in Texas USA the Foreign Credentials Service of America wants us to present Certificate. They are not accepting the online printed result for his admission processing. How can we get the results as soon as possible so he can finalize the admission processes.

  14. I have collected my original waec from the school but my bag was stolen with the original waec in it.. Please how do I get another original.. Please

  15. i wrote my WAEC in 2015 please can i get my original certificate and the result from the waec office and where will i go for it

  16. Good morning bro I wrote my waec 2013 I have my statement of result but where I want to work now they are asking for my original waec result so I want to know since I didn’t write mine as a private I wrote mine as a school candidate and it happens to be that the school does not have the result based on some issues how can I obtain my original waec result and what are the procedures

  17. pls,i wrote my waec on 2013 and one of my registered subject was cancelled,should i go to their office to report,weather they will release it,is it possible?

  18. Please am confused i wrote mine in the year 2014 but used neco result to gain admision,, my question is the subject i i grade d7 and e8 nwill they apear on the certificate?? Thank you

  19. i wrote my 1st WAEC in 2010 nd d second in 2014 which i combined 2 gain addmission,when collecting d originals,cn i merge d both of dem into 1 certificate or i shld collect dem seperately?

  20. Good evening plz I wrote my GCE in Lagos 2011,and am @ Edo state now,I went to their waec office today to collect my certificate and I was told I can’t get it here accept Lagos. Plz what should how do I get it?

  21. I wrote Private candidate exam (GCE) NOV/DEC 1987in Benin City, Edo State. I only have statement of result but yet to collect the certificate. And presently am in Abuja. Will it be possible for me to get certificate in Abuja or I should go to Benin?

  22. Hi.
    I collected my WASSCE Cert. for May/June 1999 exams and found errors. I returned the certificate to Yaba office for correction in 2004 along with a letter from my school. I was told after some time that the certificate had been sent to the school because they could not give it to me directly.
    I have gone to the school several times but they don’t have my cert.
    So, what can I do?

  23. Please what do I need to get my waec certificate my school is far away but I’m closer to waec office in yaba I’ll need it to get into nysc next month is it possible to get it ?

  24. I wrote my wassce in FGC Odogbolu in Ogun State May/June 2003, i am now in Abia State, and dearly need my Waec Certificate. Is it possible for a relative in Lagos to get the certificate for me in the Waec office in Yaba for me , without me traveling.

  25. Mine is GCE in 2003 do I need any pin all i have is only the statement of result am afraid
    I don’t have much information about. It
    Hope it will not be hard to collect ?

  26. please i wrote gce in 2015 and i don’t have my photo card again.. can i collect the original result without my photo card and if i cant how do i get another photo card.. i have the result print out with me

  27. I wrote waec GCE Nov/ dec 2012 and 2013 in the same centre but unfortunately for me,I couldn’t found 2013 photo card..can I still make use of 2012 since is the same centre? thanks

  28. Pls I wrote my waec in a private school can I get it @ waec office @ Yaba.
    And pls wat are De requirements as in wat am I to go with

  29. I wrote my waec and neco 2013, how much will it cost me to get my original results and what are the requirements needed…pls I need a direct mail from you


  31. Thanks for the update Amoo. My only questions are
    1. What’s the probability of getting the certificate the same day upon request?
    2.And which of the Lagos office issues the Certificate?

  32. Good morning sir.sir my sister want me to help with her waec may/june 2008 and waec should send to the school outside Nigeria. please how do I go about it sir?. Thank you

  33. If you took the test and unfortunately you did not pass in all of the subjects you pass in one can you get your certificate?

  34. sir I wrote waec for private candidates exam which has just been released, I would need the certificate urgently before the end of December. please which waec office can I go and get it before the deadline, how long does it take for a certificate to be ready from the day it was released/ uploaded Thanks.

  35. Pls can i collect for my sister dat wrote GCE in lagos and is not in d country?d last tym i chekd in dia office in 2015.dey said its possible n dat d person wil need 2write a letter.dnt know if its stil posible?
    And also who do i address d letter to

  36. good day mr amoo pls i want to collect the nov/dec certificate for someone not in the country and he is in dire need of it .. i wil be going there as a proxy , pls is there need for court avvidafit?

    • Yes, but the person must provide you with a print out of their result, a sworn affidavit, a letter of Attestation from a top civil servant, cleric or lawyer, a letter requesting that and a copy of their means of identification.

  37. I finished from Unity secondary school ado ekiti, and wrote 1996 MAY /JUNE. Pls where can I get my certificate. I have a certificate signed by the principal, can that be my certificate, kindly help out.

  38. Good day sir,concerning the sworn affidavit in high court, what is the importance in collecting waec result and how do I go about the swearing of the affidavit.

  39. Good morning Mr ammo,I wrote waec in 2013 at abia state,i contacted them for its collection,the amount they told me is so lackadaisical,please it is possible to get it at waec office

  40. Hello sir pls how can I get my waec Certificate from Rivers state. I have been there, but was told to go to my school and my school is telling me the can’t find my certificate. How do I go about this because I need it urgently now. Thank you.

  41. Pls sir, I wrote my waec (private) in 2008 and I was unable to collect my certificate, from that year to this year 2019, what will be the penalty?

  42. Hello sir, I wrote the waec private exam, but I have lost my photo card, I still have my exam number, is it possible for me to collect the certificate without the photo card?

  43. Pls sir, there are mistakes on my date of birth and (c) was omitted from my name nicholas because the letters on my name are beyond 32 written characters. I went to my school and a representative from my school followed me to waec office for the correction since January 2018, ever since then when ever I checked online to see if the correction has been made I keep on seeing old information and my waec certificate is not out yet also. Pls for how long does this processing takes?

  44. Pleas sir, I wrote my waec in 2006, but went back to collect my cerficate, I was told my school has relocated. How do I get my certifate?

  45. Pls sir,I’m rewriting my waec this year and i seriously need the original result before September. The university i’m about to attend requested for sir. I don’t know if it’s possible sir.

    • You can try getting WAEC to attest to your result. There is the possibility that your certificate would not be ready by September, if you’re just going to be writing the exam. All the best!

  46. Please how can i get my waec results,i did it in may/june of 2011 and i have collected it but misplaced it due too change of home

  47. Please sir, I did private Waec last year at Ogun State can i get the Original certificate at their National Office in Yaba. Lagos State

    • You didn’t state which exam it was. If it’s the school exam, you can go to your school. But it were the private exam, you’d have to visit the Abeokuta office

  48. How and what is required to go about attestation of results?

    I also want to ask another question on behalf of a friend whose school has closed down, how will he get his, what should he do?

  49. Please I did GCE November/December 2012 at mushin . and I need to collect my waec certificate..

    Where can I collect it and what are the required documents to go with.

  50. i wrote GCE in 2010 at owerri. whenever i wanted to collect my original result, they will tell me i cannot print it. i am now a corp member serving in abuja, pls how can i collect it and how much sir

  51. Pls sir I wrote my waec 2016 but my original waec result was stolen with some documents now I need it how can I get my original waec result back
    Plsss help me sir it really urgent

  52. Good morning sir, pls sir I haven’t collect my 2012/2013 original
    waec results. Pls sir how can I get it, name of the school is Hybrid College at Ejigbo.

    • It depends on the type of exam you wrote. If it were the school candidates SSCE in May/June go to your school. For the other exam, go to the WAEC office in your state.

  53. pls i wrote waec may/june 2018 .and i want to apply for colledege in uk and they are asking for my original certificate but it is not out yet and i tryied to give them my the online printout but they did not accept it , how doi get it pls

  54. *is it compulsory to do the affidavit in
    high court.
    * pls ,I don’t understand the photo card and where can I get it.

  55. I sat for may/June GCE in 1989 in a school in Lagos island but can not remember the name ..I have my exam number and need to collect my certificate.. How can I locate the school please

  56. I have lost all the document that contain the exam details: centre number and exam no. I still remember the name of the school where i sat for the exam. It is GCE, OCTOBER/NOVEMBER

  57. Please sir, I wrote wassce May/June last year and I need the original certificate in school… the person who enrolled me For the exam said I should bring 15000 to collect my original result. Please i just want to confirm if this is the exact money am to pay since I wrote the exam last year, please help me

  58. Good morning sir
    I wrote Nov/DEC GCE exam at iguobazuwa in Benin city Edo state in 2013 but am yet to collect the certificate and am in Ondo State
    Can I get this original certificate from any waec office(s) in Ondo State or I will go back to Edo state Waec office to get it . please what should I do .
    And my second question is can someone printed the GCE waec certificate online and if yes how can I ?

  59. Good morning sir/ma
    I wrote GCE in 2010and now I really need the original result, please how much will I use to collect the certificate and can I still use it to apply for admission at noun.

  60. How much is waec certificate of 2016 and is there any requirements for a public school student.please your feedback is ungently needed

  61. Good day sir ,please I wrote my waec in 2010 in IMO state mbaise precisely, please where do I go and collect the certificate, is it at the school or the waec office in that state, I can’t locate the school again.
    Sir urgent answer please.

    • You didn’t state what type of exam it is. If it’s the school exam in May/ June, you need to go to the school. For the other types, you go to the Imo State office of WAEC.

  62. I have collected my original waec certificate from my school but it’s was stolen amongst my belongings. Is it possible that I can get another one from waec office

  63. Good day sir, I did my waec gce in Owode-yewa,Ogun State in 2014. I’m in Lagos presently and I need my certificate, where can I get it sir. Please, help me out asap sir

  64. Mr Abdussalam, i’m using two sitting waec results, one I wrote in school( may/ June) while the other is private( Gce)
    How can I go about it
    I mean do I have to go to the school to collect the first certificate and also go to weac office to get the second (Gce)certificate or can weac give the both to me for #13,500( cause it’s been 11 years that I did the exam)?

  65. Hello sir please I wrote my waec in Lagos but now am not in Lagos In calabar is it possible if I can collect it in any of the waec office if I present my photo card and printout.

  66. please can i get my waec certificate for two sitting of two different year, i did one in my school or others in another school (both are Waec for two different year), is it possible for me to get the original certificate for the two
    i only have the result with me

  67. Pls how can I go about it when I don’t even remember the name of the school I did mine some 20 years ago in Ofa, Ilorin where I went for the exam as an external candidate. Pls I need your urgent help on this as I need it very very very urgently. Thanks in anticipation

  68. I wrote WAEC in 2001 in Abia state but I relocated to lagos where I’ve been living for 17yrs now. Is it possible for me to collect my certificate from the lagos national office? Thank you.

  69. Sir I wrote waec 2018, and they haven’t printed the result due to photocard problem and my school has refused to do anything about it, and I have gone to waec office several times but they still insist that my school must provide it by themselves. Please what do I do, I really need it to enter university

  70. Hello, I wrote my weac 2014 may/June in a private sch not my sch actually. So what do I need to get the certificate and how much. I need answers pls


  72. Hi please I wrote Gce(Nov/dec) in 2013, where can I get my original because someone told me she got hers at ikorodu so I just want to comfirm. And are the prices for collection still the same?? Thank you.

  73. Hi please I wrote Gce(Nov/Dec) in 2013 at a school in Vi, lagos. Where can I get my original certificate because someone told me Ikorodu but I’m seeing Yaba here so I need to confirm from you. And again is the price for collection as above still the same??

  74. Please I did waec correction my original result was taking for correction please how do I get it I also resit for waec gce can I get it at yaba

  75. Please sir, I want to take my original waec result of Last year, but they’re saying is not out and I really need to to complete my form for Scholarship I got, Without it am going nowhere, please what shall I do to get it?

  76. Plsss I need help I lost my result due to accident plss can I get another one I Rili need it ad plss tell me how I can go about it

  77. Am a student that want to start waec nextweek,am writing the waec in my school,so when the result is out,can I come and collect it at the waec office by myself when the result is out.for this year waec,the one they are starting next week, when is the result going to be ready.

  78. Please according to the requirements to collect the certificate. I don’t the sworn affidavit, how can I get it and how can I get it. Please reply me is very urgent

  79. I wrote mine in 2008,lost the original result through the flood period, how can I get it the original and can I get it the same day

  80. I wrote my exam 2019 and I want to collect my certificate what documents do I need? And what is the fee? And is it a must I go to the school I wrote my exam to collect the certificate?

  81. I wrote my waec in 2005, I have been going to the school to collect my certificate but they said waec has not sent it to them , but my results are online. Please how can I collect my certificate

  82. hi, i lost my waec number and i can’t it any help for that. can i get it through really worried.i wrote mine since 2008

  83. Thanks my bro.for the info.
    Pls, I wrote GCE in year 2000, can I get the certificate at Ikorodu WAEC office cos I reside in Ikorodu?

  84. I wrote GCE in Nov/Dec. 2000 at Oy, Oyo state but I now leave at Ikorodu, Lagos state. Can I get the original certificate at WAEC office Ikorodu?

  85. Hello, pls I wrote my waec 2012 in kaduna and I only have the testimonial and statement of results and the school is closed down now, and have relocated to Edo state, so I do know if waec office in Benin can help me out.

  86. Please I wrote my Waec GCE at ogun state in the year 2018 and I was told to go get my certificate at Abeokuta. Is Abeokuta the only Waec branch in ogun State and can my parents go get it for me because I’m always busy at work and I need it for my part time program. And about the photo card, I don’t have it again so what can I do about that… Thanks

  87. Yeah I wrote for waec since 2004 and in my bid to collect my certificate I was informed that the school is now defunct and I was able to communicate to one of the officials and they have still not seen my certificate .. what would I do now to get my certificate .

  88. Gud sir..pls am in owerri..can sm1 help me to collect my result of 2010 which I wrote in mushin lagos state.which WAEC office

  89. Please sir, I wrote Waec in the year 2008 in Jos and all I have is the print out and the school is no longer in existence. How do I apply for my waec original result?

  90. I went WAEC office today in Port Harcourt to collect my result, they insisted I go the school I wrote the exam…and the amount the school is charging is really outrageous…what can I do pls?

  91. I wrote my GCE Nov/Dec at Offa and I reside in Lagos. Can I obtain my Waec certificate at ogba or yaba?

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