Apply in the HFG Foundation Young African Scholars Program 2018


Every two years the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation hosts the Young African Scholars program. Ten scholars whose proposed projects are judged to be of high quality and closely relevant to the foundation’s interest in violence and aggression are selected to take part.

Harry Guggenheim established this foundation to support research on violence, aggression, and dominance because he was convinced that solid, thoughtful, scholarly and scientific research, experimentation, and analysis would in the end accomplish more than the usual solutions impelled by urgency rather than understanding. We do not yet hold the solution to violence, but better analyses, more acute predictions, constructive criticisms, and new, effective ideas will come in time from investigations such as those supported by our grants.

The foundation places a priority on the study of urgent problems of violence and aggression in the modern world and also encourages related research projects in neuroscience, genetics, animal behavior, the social sciences, history, criminology, and the humanities which illuminate modern human problems. Grants have been made to study aspects of violence related to youth, family relationships, media effects, crime, biological factors, intergroup conflict related to religion, ethnicity, and nationalism, and political violence deployed in war and sub-state terrorism, as well as processes of peace and the control of aggression.

ALSO READ:  Volunteer as Young Social Media Reporter at the 2017 African University Week


The program includes:

  • a methods workshop
  • fieldwork research grants of $2,000 USD each,
  • editorial and publication assistance,
  • and sponsorship at an international conference to present research findings.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants must be aged 35 or younger and must have been educated on the African continent and currently residing there.
  • Applicants’ projects are expected to highlight the issues of violence and aggression.
  • Applications are due by December 15th . All application materials must be submitted by the end of that day (midnight, EST) in order to be considered.

Guides for Applicants

The online application will be available beginning October 1st.

Applications should be no more than six pages and include the following:

  • Research question
  • Short literature review
  • Description of research methods to be used
  • Two-page C.V.
  • Copy of passport or government-issued ID card
  • Apply online here (Requires a free account)
  • Or send application to: 

The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation

25 West 53rd Street

New York, NY 10019


15th December, 2017

Award Provider 

Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation

Further Information

Visit Programme Webpage for details

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