Students condemn UNILORIN fee hike


Students at the University of Ilorin (UNILORIN) have reacted to the recent increment in the school fees for the 2018/2019 Academic Session by the school’s management.

Speaking through the university’s Students’ Union, the students described it as “an attack on our common sense and right to due consideration in all matters that touches on our well-being and welfare as students of this great institution.”

A press statement made available to and signed by the UNILORIN SUG President, Oluseyi Animashaun indicated that the students were ready to resist such a move by the University management.

He said, “our tolerance level was punched and almost taken for granted by recent release of school fees for 2018/2019 academic session.” reports that students at the University woke up on Saturday to an outright hike of their payable fees for the new academic session. The increment ranges from N10, 000 to N17, 500 depending on programme/faculty of the student.

The angry SU body based their disagreement with the new fees on economic reasons.

“It is not only outrageous but absurd given the present economic situation of this country. Many are self sponsored while majority of us are from parents in States where salaries are not paid either regularly or at all for months!

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“Where then are we expected to get the fees from? At what time are we suppose to adjust our budget for the session? Who is to pay for us? are questions bothering my mind. In simple term, I consider it as April fool and the University authority should be commended for millennium joke. We shall resist this to get reasonable concession.”

While hoping that the management would reconsider its decision, the students’ body directed that students should not pay their fees yet.

Read the full statement below.


Greatest Unilorites,


I am compelled beyond reasonable doubt to speak out and take a stand against what could be described as attack on our common sense and right to due consideration in all matters that touches on our well-being and welfare as students of this great institution.

Our tolerance level was punched and almost taken for granted by recent release of school fees for 2018/2019 academic session. The increment ranges from 10000 to 17500 depending on programme/faculty. It is not only outrageous but absurd given the present economic situation of this country.

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Many are self sponsored while majority of us are from parents in States where salaries are not paid either regularly or at all for months!

Where then are we expected to get the fees from? At what time are we suppose to adjust our budget for the session? Who is to pay for us? are questions bothering my mind. In simple term, I consider it as April fool and the University authority should be commended for millennium joke. We shall resist this to get reasonable concession.

Of course, we are stakeholders with strong belief in the University dream. The VC and his team should know better that our sacrifices should be rewarded rather than increasing the suffering packages we have endured for long. Currently, the *SU Officials* are working hand in hand with the faculty presidents to analyse the situation and make a comprehensive plan.

Hence, *NO STUDENTS SHOULD PAY*! We shall call for meeting with the management for intellectual discourse.

We are not rascals but our approach shall be that of radical and sound minded fellows. We shall seek peace in resolving matter.

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Members of our great Union should remain calm till you hear from us. I can confidently affirm that Aluta Continua, Victory Ascerta

We shall invest in our people by resisting this hike in fees doggedly,




Executive President,

Student Union,

University of Ilorin.


ISA,Abass Usman


Public Relations Officer,

Student Union,

University of Ilorin

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