Group advocates life skills education for girls

L-R : Adeyemi Omoyemi, Social Mobilisation Officer, SUBEB, Temilolu Okeowo, Founder , Girls' Club, Dr Elishama Ideh, Founder, Partnership for a new Nigeria and Keynote Speaker at the summit,Ibironke Olurotimi, Lead Coach, Clarity School for Girls and Summit Convener, Kate Ibeanusi, Executive Director, Initiative for Sustaining Family Unity and Olorunfunmi Adebajo,Executive Director, Kindle Africa Empowerment Initiative at the Girl Child Summit held in Lagos recently

A Lagos- based social enterprise, Clarity School for Girls, has advocated the importance of teaching life skills to children. The group made this known at its recently held Girl Child Summit at the Lagos Anglican Girls Grammar School, Surulere, Lagos.

The theme of the summit was “Teaching Life skills; a preparatory tool for effective adulthood”.

In her opening remark, the convener of the summit who also doubles as the Lead Coach of Clarity School for Girls – Ibironke Olurotimi said “This event is borne out of the need for intelligent discourse among stakeholders, reaching reasonable resolutions and action plans for girl child related issues.

“Our resolutions here today will be documented and passed on to necessary arms of governments and other institutions for actions. Life skills are important ingredients towards building the kind of society and workplace we desire to see.

“Parents, Educators, Religious Institutions, Civil Society and the society at large all have vital roles to play in helping to equip the girl child with needed life skills that will help her thrive. Parents, Educators and the society at large should learn not to focus only on academics and formal education.”

ALSO READ:  Osinbajo makes case for girl child education
L-R : Adeyemi Omoyemi, Social Mobilisation Officer, Lagos State Universal Basic Education Board (LSUBEB), Temilolu Okeowo, Founder , Girls’ Club, Dr Elishama Ideh, Founder, Partnership for a new Nigeria and Keynote Speaker at the summit,Ibironke Olurotimi, Lead Coach, Clarity School for Girls and Summit Convener, Kate Ibeanusi, Executive Director, Initiative for Sustaining Family Unity and Olorunfunmi Adebajo,Executive Director, Kindle Africa Empowerment Initiative at the Girl Child Summit held in Lagos recently

While addressing the audience, the keynote speaker for the summit, Dr Elishama Ideh emphasized the importance of teaching the girls child life skills early from home as this will help groom her into an adult we can all be proud of. In her words ‘the family, school, religious institutions and the society at large have a big role to play in making this happen”.

Others speakers at the summit were Founder, Girls club of Nigeria, Temilolu Okeowo, Principal Coach, Pause Factory, Enahoro Okhae, Executive Director, Kindle Africa Empowerment Initiative, Olorunfunmi Adebayo, , Executive Director, Initiative for Sustaining Family Unity, Kate Ibeanusi and the Social Mobilisation Officer, Lagos State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB), Adeyemi Omoyemi.

Clarity School for girls is a social enterprise and a life skills school where girls are equipped to thrive and succeed in this fast paced world. The focus of its work is on increasing the pool of women leaders in Business, Government, Development and indeed every sphere of Life. This is done through workshops, conferences, mentorship and coaching programs.

In attendance were female students from different secondary schools, educators, Social Entrepreneurs, representatives of Government, NGOs and civil society organisations.

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