After 9 years, troops rescue pregnant Chibok schoolgirl

Hauwa Maltha, the rescued Chibok schoolgirl

Troops of 114 Taskforce Battalion, Bita in Borno State, have rescued yet another abducted schoolgirl of the Government Day Secondary School, Chibok kidnapped along with others on 14th April, 2014 by Boko Haram.

26-year-old Hauwa Maltha with serial number two on the list of the abducted Chibok schoolgirls, was rescued on April 21, 2023 along with her three-year-old baby by the troops during operations at Lagara.

She is from the Kibaku tribe in Jila of Chibok Local Government Area (LGA) of Borno State.

While in captivity, Hauwa has been “married” thrice.

First, she was married in Gulukos to one Salman, a cameraman to the late terrorist leader, Shekau.

Salman later died in Lake Chad. Thereafter, Hauwa Maltha got married off again to one Mallam Muhammad in Gobara and had two children for him. Mallam Muhammad, her second husband, was also killed in Ukuba terrorists enclave in Sambisa forest during clashes between JAS/ISWAP rivals.

Since her rescue, Hauwa, who also about eight-month and two weeks pregnant, has undergone thorough medical examination along with her baby.

Having been adequately resuscitated, Hauwa and her baby, Fatima, will be handed over to the Borno State Government for further management.

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