Winners emerge in inter-state Quranic competition


Winners have emerged in a 4th annual inter-state Quranic competition in Lagos themed “the Pathway to the Qur’an.”

The organisers, Hanif Educational Services said its purpose was to promote Islamic scholarship and assist young memorisers of the Qur’an in preserving what they have memorised.

Chief Executive Officer of Hanif, Mr Abdulhakeem Muhammadul Awwal noted that the goal was also to sensitise parents on the need to “allow their kids to go for hifzhul-qur’an (Quranic memorisation) at a tender age.”

He told by the sidelines of the event last Sunday that the organisers also sought to assist the madrasah in evaluating their products by testing them in such a competition.

Mr Awwal hinted that judges involved in the competition were brought from within and outside Lagos. “They are those that have the expertise to do a thorough evaluation of the students,” he said.

There were three categories of the competition which participants from between age 8 and 16 tested their capabilities.

Category A focused on contestants who had memorised not less than two juz’ of the Qur’an while Category B tested the memory of contestants who could recite up to five by heart. Those in category C were tested based on their memorisation of up to twenty juz’ of the Qur’an.

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Murtadho Abdullateef emerged first in Category A with 97.9%, followed by Jamaldeen Raji, Nawas Ahmad and Yusuf who all scored 96.6%.

In the Category B contest, Waliyullah Abubakr came first with 97% followed by Abdullateef Hussein with 96.9%. Faisol Kamil took the third position with 96.9% too.

Those in Category C included Abdurrasheed Abdulhafeez with 94.6%, Hussein Muhammd with 93.4% and Abdulmajeed Musa with 92.2%

Prizes won include refrigerators, fans, and cookers to the top three winners in each category. Also, other contestants got consolation prizes. The organisers hope to include scholarship grants in future editions subject to the availability of funds. gathered that the programme which lasted three days included preliminaries for two earlier days before the finals.

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