Unity Puzzle Games for Kids [PROMOTED]


Dear Educator,

Following the recent closure of primary schools due to Covid 19, a health pandemic. We wish to introduce a revision app called practice common entrance online for primary schools in Lagos state and other states in Nigeria.

We seek for partnership and collaboration with Governments, School Proprietors , Banks ,and Corporate Organizations who will drive this noble vision in the learning and ICT development of our children. The card costs 3,000 naira for 3 months and there is discount for bulk purchase

It is a revision tool based on the Nigerian Curriculum and derived from the common entrance examination for admission into secondary schools. The common entrance practice resources are embedded in Unity App which is teaching the History of Nigeria through reading and puzzle games.       

Our Vision is to instill hard work and confidence in our children in their educational pursuit and forestall examination malpractices in schools.

 This is the right time to engage our pupils and children while at home. Our target audience are pupils in primary 5 and 6 in Nigerian Families comprising of about Ten million (10 million ) users , who are preparing for this examination into secondary schools.    

How To Use The Card ;

Step 1 –  Visit https://quiz.unitypuzzlegame.com
Step 2 – Enter Username and Password
Step 3 – Start Your Practice.  
We wish to partner with Education Stakeholders , Institutions, banks and schools to drive this noble objective  which is proudly Nigerian. The app costs 3,000 naira per scratch card , which is inclusive of an incentive fee of 20% discount to our partners.

Payments can be made online or through cash to 0121191685 Wema Bank. For further inquiries, send requests to practicecommonentrance@gmail.com   

Our contact information;
Phone number: 08033445886
Email address:practicecommonentrance@gmail.com or info@unitypuzzlegame.com or
Website: www.unitypuzzlegame.com

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For information on Press Releases, Photos, Promotional Events and Adverts, Please message us on WhatsApp via (+234) 09052129258, 08124662170 or send an email to: info@educeleb.com.

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