Team teaching can improve the performance of pupils in mathematics


A research study at the University of Ibadan has shown that team teaching can help improve the performance of primary school pupils in mathematics.

It also identified that the ability of pupils can be variously explored in bringing out the best in them.

The findings were presented at the ongoing 37th Conference of the Association for Educational Assessment in Africa (AEAA) in Abuja.

Adams Onuka, a professor of evaluation, revealed these while speaking at a plenary session of the international event on Monday.

The paper was titled “Using modified alternative team teaching model to enhance pupils’ achievement and interest in primary mathematics in Oyo State, Nigeria.”

He noted that mathematics gives the generality of people numeracy skills and knowledge of these could be applied in any context.

Onuka co-authored the research work with Ms Damilola Oyegoke.

The researchers revealed that their study was towards solving the problem of mass failure in mathematics in public exams.

They described team or cooperative teaching as a situation where two or more teachers come together in a class to teach.

“After one has taught a particular concept, the other would be observing the lapses and what the students could learn,” Onuka said adding that “There is a form of correction taking place working in a team. That also creates some problem solving capacity in the pupils.”

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“To learn, each strength must be developed. You should be able to develop their interest (in the subject).”

The researchers suggested that to improve pupils’ interest in mathematics, it should start with enhancing positive interest on achievement.

They deployed experimental design in the study. With a sample size of 258, some instruments were used to differentiate the treatment of the experimental group and the control group.

The study found that team teaching improves the pupils’ performance in mathematics due to “the combination of the expertise of the teachers.”

“Instructional activities are planned together and taught together. What one misses, the other would suggest.”

They found that “learning takes great pattern when synergies are pulled together as a teaching strategy.”

Teachers were also challenged to further work on the teaching domains in collaborative teaching for maximum results. also reported that a professor of Science Education, Francisca Aladejana challenged teachers at the conference to assess students based on their varying learning abilities for greater results.

The conference continues till Friday, 9th August at the Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Abuja.

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