2018 NISOD International Conference on Teaching and Leadership Excellence: Call for Presentations


The National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) is pleased to announce its Call for Presentations for the 2018 International Conference on Teaching and Leadership Excellence. Applicants are invited to submit a presentation proposal for a breakout session or roundtable discussion or a three-hour preconference seminar that addresses important issues facing today’s community and technical colleges.

Conference Tracks

NISOD is excited to announce new conference tracks. The conference has always evolved in response to new challenges and opportunities facing community and technical colleges. These leading-edge tracks set a new standard for research and solutions that will shape the future of teaching and learning, while helping us create a dynamic program related to improving student achievement.

  • Career and Technical Education, Apprenticeships, and Internships
    College Readiness, Remediation, ESL, and First-Generation Students
    Competency-Based Education and Other Alternate Credentialing Strategies
    Contemporary and Progressive Teaching, Counseling, and Advising Strategies
    Emerging Issues and Trends at Community and Technical Colleges
    Entrepreneurship, Strategic Alliances, and Collaborations
    Evidence and Inquiry, Predictive Analytics, and Other Data Considerations
    Faculty Hiring, Development, Support, and Governance
    Guided Pathways and Other Completion and Transfer Efforts
    Improving Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
    Libraries, Makerspaces, Fablabs, and Other Active-Learning Sites
    Using Technology to Improve Student and Organizational Outcomes
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Why Present

  • Amazing professional development opportunity!
    Collaborate with experts in the field!
    Presenters receive a $50 registration discount.
    Receive recognition for and feedback about your practice or program.
    Expand your professional portfolio.
    Be part of a dynamic community that has made NISOD’s conference the “must-attend” event for 40 years.

Presentation Types

Guides for Applicants

All proposals should include the following:

  • Engaging program format that involves the audience and stimulates discussion.
  • Conceptually strong foundation, well-written, with clearly stated outcomes and appropriately documented theory, research, and/or experience.
  • Qualified presenters with expertise/experience in the subject matter.
  • Presentations will be reviewed for relevance and purpose to provide a balanced educational program.
  • Presenters will be notified about their proposal status via email by January 26, 2018.
  • Presenters must register and pay the conference registration fee by April 13, 2018 to confirm participation. Presenters are paid neither honoraria nor expenses .
  • Click here to submit your proposal.


8th January, 2018.

Further Information

For more information, please visit the official website.


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