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Tag: school administration

Beyond 21st Century Learning: Taking advantage of the blank slate

As many of us educators, on this part of the continent are or about going on summer break, it is necessary we remind ourselves...

School Information Management (2)

NANCY EKPEZU continues the series on school information management. In the first part, she highlighted definition, categorisation and importance of the school information management...

School Information Management (1)

In this series, NANCY EKPEZU writes about the management of school information. School owners, principals, head teachers and other echelon of the school administration...

How sports can boost school enrolment and reduce out of school...

Sport is a part of education. It can be a veritable tool to boosting school enrolment while also reducing out of school children. Students and...

15 safety rules every school should implement

Let’s talk about safety. You own a school or probably administer one. Perhaps, you are a teacher in another educational institution. Safety rules are...

Teachers’ Retention Tips for School Administrators

I know you've done so well to sail the boat of your school to coast in 2017. Through your expertise and experience, you were...

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