Apply for the ​NDDC skill acquisition training programmes


The Niger Delta Regional Master Plan (NDRDMP) in section 5.7.3 and 5.7.4 addresses policies for economic development in rural and urban areas of the region. The above sections of the Master Plan emphasize the need for all stakeholders to invest consistently in the development of entrepreneur activities in the region, through training and capacity building for entrepreneurs among others activities.

Following the success of the previous programmes and the overwhelming interests of the Micro Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (MSMEs) in the region, the Commission intends to further build the capacity of some identified MSMEs from across the region that are determined to compete favourably in today’s global economy.
About the Entrepreneurship Capacity Building Programme

The Entrepreneurship Training Programme is about identifying viable businesses in the MSME category from all (9) Nine states of the region, and build their capacity and thereafter provide necessary supports and enabling environment for their growth and competitiveness in today’s global markets. The nature of support will be determined by the business plan that will be developed by each participating entrepreneur during the training.
It needs to be emphasized here that there is need to diversify and strengthen the economies of the Niger Delta States and make them less dependent on the oil and gas sector. Therefore ONLY entrepreneurs outside the oil and gas sector are encouraged to apply.
The preferred sectors include:
a) Agriculture

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b) ICT

c) Manufacturing and Processing

d) Entertainment and Hospitality

e) Commerce and Trade 

f) Professional Services, among others.
Eligibility Criteria

1. The business (existing or soon to be registered) must be legitimate concerns (not involved in illegal pursuits) and duly registered under the laws of the federal Republic of Nigeria.

2. The entrepreneur(s) promoting the business i.e. Sole Proprietor(s), Partners or Directors must be from one of the Niger Delta States.

3. The business must be dully registered with the relevant Inland Revenue (tax) Authorities.
2. Other Skills Development Training programmes

The Commission also intends to train Niger Deltans to acquire up to date skills in different trades. By so doing, the Commission would have created a pool of skilled workforce who are self-reliant and capable of training and employing other Niger Deltans.

The Programmes are as follows:

1. Welding and fabrication

2. Furniture making & wood work

3. Catering & confectionary

4. Food processing

5. Home management (tie & dye)

6. Modern painting technology

7. Fashion design & tailoring

8. Computer technology/programming

9. Entertainment industry

10. Solar power maintenance

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11. Maritime technology

Guides for Applicants

Interested applicants are hereby requested to visit the official web portal  and select any skill of interest and fill the application form as applicable.
Please note as follows:

1. Application will only be received online through the NDDC web portal.

2. The applicant is expected to complete one form only as multiple applications will attract automatic disqualification.

3. The selection process described in this publication will be extremely rigorous, thorough and competitive.

4. Only selected Candidates will be contacted and they will be required to produce original copies of their educational Certificates, Local Government identification certificates etc. before the final selection.

5. Application may be submitted on-line between September 25, 2017 to October 9, 2017


October 9, 2017

Further Information

Click here to visit the NDDC Skills Portal 

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