A female student at Al-Azhar University in Egypt, was on Sunday expelled after she appeared in a video hugging a male colleague, accusing her of undermining the school’s reputation.
The video, which went viral earlier this month, showed a young man carrying a bouquet of flowers kneeling before a young woman and then hugging her in what appeared to be a marriage proposal.
The video was not filmed at Al-Azhar University, but at another establishment, Mansoura University, Northern Egypt.
Nevertheless the disciplinary council of the Al-Azhar University decided to expel the lady, university spokesman Ahmed Zarie told AFP.
He said the video had caused a “public outcry” and that the university’s decision to expel her was because she had presented a “bad image” of Al-Azhar University, which strictly segregates the genders.
He said hugging between unmarried men and women violates “the values and principles of society”.
The male said to be her boyfriend could also face sanctions, a spokesman for Mansoura University said, adding that the school’s disciplinary council will meet on Monday to decide his “punishment”.
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