UNILAG Direct Entry online screening exercise 2017/2018


The University of Lagos has announced registration for online Direct Entry (DE) Screening Exercise for admission into all courses for the 2017/2018 academic year.

It runs between Friday, 17th November and Friday, 24th November, 2017.

Candidates are advised to adhere strictly to the guidelines and obtain necessary clarifications.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidates who chose the University of Lagos in JAMB’s 2017/2018 Direct Entry (DE) application are eligible. Candidates must possess five (5) credit passes at one sitting in relevant O/level subjects including English Language and Mathematics.
  • Candidates must also fulfil all O/level and DE requirements for the course of choice as advertised by JAMB.

Screening Fee

The Screening Fee is N2000

Guides for Applicants

Eligible candidates should log on to University’s website. Then, take the following steps:

  • Click on Full-Time Undergraduate Admission
    Click on DIRECT ENTRY Screening
    Log in with JAMB registration number and surname in lower case as password
    Generate payment advice
    Proceed to any commercial bank to make payment or pay online
    Return to the Unilag portal to complete the screening form
    Print DIRECT ENTRY e-registration slip

Further Information

Further clarification may be obtained via email admissions@unilag.edu.ng and the following phone numbers: 08182716045, 07046537158, 07043359831 and 07026079596.

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The University shall withdraw the admission of newly admitted students that test positive for drug use whenever the University conducts the test, either before or after registration.


  1. I checked the website and there is no such link as “full time undergraduate admission”
    What is there is just “Admission”(on the top right corner of the screen). Also, after clicking on that there is no link for Direct Entry screening. So please help to follow the said procedures and confirm if it is working.
    Thank you.

  2. I have tried the website and there’s nothing like full-time undergraduate admission nor direct entry screening. How can we then generate payment advice?

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