LASU makes online payments compulsory to stem fraud


The Lagos State University (LASU) has mandated a total implementation of online payments for all of the institution’s income.

It said that became necessary in its effort to stem fraud and maintain efficiency.

Tax Management and Revenue (TMR) unit of the school made the announcement following the detection of what it termed fake receipts in circulation.

“This move becomes imperative, because the Bursary has continued to be inundated with Students, Clients and the general public, coming to the Tax Management and Revenue (TMR) Unit to seek issuance of the receipts, despite the instruction about online payments.

“This is coming on the heels of the Bursar’s directive to the TMR Unit to stop the issuance of Admon University official Receipt as a result of the detection of its fake version in Circulation.

“This new mode of payment will be of immense benefits to the University, the students and all clients, including the general public as a whole, as the new form of receipts can be verified online anywhere as well as anytime.”

It also added that the new mode of payment “gives anybody the opportunity to verify the genuiness or other wise of a receipt, before such is cleared for a service.”

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