Debunking a misconception: Einstein’s mathematical struggles

painting on waterfall and portrait of einstein
Photo by Sümeyye Uğurlu on

There is a widespread myth or misconception that Albert Einstein, the renowned physicist, was poor at mathematics during his school years. However, this is far from the truth.

While it is accurate that Einstein didn’t always fit well within the traditional schooling system, his mathematical abilities were exceptional from a young age.

Einstein’s sister, Maja, recounted how he had a natural affinity for mathematical puzzles, often teaching himself complex mathematical concepts through textbooks.

By the time he was a teenager, Einstein was already delving into advanced mathematics on his own.

A testament to his abilities is his certificate of maturity from the Cantonal High School in Aarau, Switzerland, issued when he was just 17 years old.

This report card shows that Einstein achieved the highest possible grades—6 out of 6—in algebra, geometry, descriptive geometry, and physics, indicating his strong proficiency in these subjects.

Final Grades, Aargau Kantonsschule:

Certificate of qualification for
university matriculation

Albert Einstein

Aarau, den 5. Sept. 1896

German language5
French language3
English language
Italian language5
Descriptive geometry6
Natural history5
Art drawing4
Technical drawing4
Translated by The Einstein Website

Marks:  6 = excellent, 5 = good, 4 = sufficient, 3 = poor, 2 = very poor, 1 = unusable

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Einstein’s challenges in school were not due to any deficiencies in his mathematical skills but rather stemmed from his unconventional thinking and his tendency to question authority. His approach to learning was often at odds with the rigid structures of the educational system at the time.

Ultimately, Einstein’s contributions to physics, especially his theory of relativity, required not just an understanding but a mastery of advanced mathematical principles, debunking the myth that he ever struggled with maths.

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